Anika Grube | Art Director 

My mom took out a life insurance policy on me because she thinks I’m going to die. But before I get into that, be careful of street food. Always ask the important questions—like, “Has this been sitting in your freezer since 2018?” I took my first solo trip to Colombia and became addicted to traveling alone. It's also why my mom’s creating my funeral playlist.
Get in touch:  |  LinkedIn 
Ogilvy NY 
Senior Art Director | Aug 2023 - Present 
TBWA\Chiat\Day NY
Art Director | Mar 2022 - Aug 2023
Junior Art Director  | Apr 2021 - Mar 2022
Young Blood Resident  | Oct 2020 - Apr 2021
The One Club Mentorship Program
Big Spaceship - Art Direction Intern | Feb - Mar 2021
Google Creative Lab - Art Direction Intern | Oct - Nov 2020
Publicis Seattle - Art Direction Intern | July - Aug 2020
Art Direction Intern | Jun 2020 - Aug 2020
Experience Design Intern | Sep 2019 - May 2020
Client Experience  
Hilton Hotels
Papa Johns 
Travelers Insurance
Goldman Sachs 
Facebook (META) 

Fashion Institute of Technology
BFA | Advertising and Digital Design
Minor | Creative Technology
Westchester Community College
AAS | Communication Design
The One School Mentor 
The One School |  2022 - Present
Women Who Create Mentor 
Women Who Create | 2020 - Present
35 Rising Stars on Madison Avenue 
Business Insider - 2022 
LIAisons Global Creative Mentee 
London International Awards - 2022
MAIP Fellow
The 4A's Foundation - 2020 
The Vault  - Powerade
Cannes  2024

Silver Lion - Film, Social Behavior and Cultural Insight
London International Awards
Silver - TV & Cinema
Bronze - Online Film 
Bronze - Production & Post-Production, Editing
Gold - Film Craft, Direction
Silver - Film Craft
Mind Zone - Powerade
Silver - Digital Mobile/Immersive/New Realities 
Hilton's 10 Minute TikTok
D&AD  2023
Wood Pencil - Entertainment, Use of Talent  

Cannes 2023
Shortlist - Mobile | Social - Mobile-led Influencer & Co-Creation
Shortlist - Social & Influencer | Social Content Marketing - Social Film

The One Show 2023
Silver Pencil - Social Media | Single Post 
Silver Pencil - Influencer Marketing | Single Channel  
ADC Awards 2023
Silver Cube  - Interactive Social Media - Campaign 
Bronze Cube - Interactive Video - Online Video 

AICP Awards 2023
Next Award - Social
Next Award - Influencer
Hilton. For The Stay.  
AdAge Creativity Awards, 2023 

Winner - Best Rebrand
MTN Dew Major Melon 
Cannes 2021

Shortlist - Direct Lions | Social Behavior
Shortlist - Brand Experience | Launch/Relaunch
The One Show 2021
Silver Pencil - Social Media | Active Engagement 
ADC Awards 2021
Bronze - Interactive | Social Media
Andy Awards 2021
Gold - Idea + Craft
Webby Awards 2021
Honoree - Advertising | Real-time Response
The Young Ones Student Award - 2021
Bronze Pencil - Open Brief 
Face Fear by The North Face
The Young Ones Student Award  - 2020
Bronze Pencil - Client Brief: The North Face / Integrated

MLB Design Challenge x FIT 
1st Place - 2020